‘Ello everyone! Happy Mautumnday, I mean Mo-foliage-day, I mean PumpkinspiceMonday. Nothing matters, who cares what day it is — IT’S FALL!
And I know all my non-California resident haters so desperately want to yuck-my-yum with their “California has no autumn” poison— Well, I won’t have it! Autumn is a feeling in your HEART, bitch.
All other topics will be tabled until winter when I return to my natural goblinoid form.
Ok fine, that’s not true, because today I am highlighting one of my favorite artists:
Tara Booth
My fandom for Tara and her artwork knows no bounds.
Tara’s comics and paintings are truly everything I love most in art. She is so bold in her expressions of self and I love how she mixes beauty and humor with darkness and crass “unspeakable” topics of shame, pain, and confusion. I absolutely adore it.
When I look at Tara’s art I feel cleansed by her silliness and body positivity.
Body shame is something that we are all taught from a young age: Men and women alike, no one escapes it. What’s even more frustrating, is that these insecurities are not innate. They are imposed upon us and they are used to manipulate us.
Body shaming is used to sell us products and to silence us. It is used to diminish us by implying that we don’t deserve to be seen, to be known, or to be loved for our natural, flawed selves.
When artists like Tara create art in opposition to these expectations, she helps to free us all from the lies we were taught about who we are and what we are allowed to be.
Her paintings are rich with color, meaning, and raw impressionism. It is such a gift that she allows us the chance to see the world through her eyes. She reminds me how powerful art can really be.
I love that she shares so much joy right beside the pain.
It reminds me that the pain of life is just as important as the joy: even if it hurts like a #@#%$
(but Erika you wrote the word bitch earlier, why would you bleep it now? And you just even wrote it again after the bleep. Your censorship skills are chaotic and I love you for that.)
Aww, thank you fake person in my head!
Basically, what I’m getting at is: if anyone wants to buy me any of Tara’s art for my upcoming birthday— DON’T LET ME STOP YOU. Why would I do that? I don’t know.
Listening to: